The story
Welcome to Cudonia! A beautiful and peaceful planet in the Magic Galaxy of Lepiota. Cudonia is very special, it's a prosperous planet covered with forests and multicolored meadows that are in continuous expansion over the planet.
During some nights these forests drop small and beautiful particles of light, of which some creatures take advantage and use to their benefit, creating a beautiful natural spectacle that cannot be seen on any other planet nearby.
These forests are occupied and full of life by the inhabitants of this planet: Cudonians, also known by their neighbors as The Alien Fungis.
Alien Fungis are constantly developing their society and their planet, they are in charge of expanding the forests and, of course, they know how to use magic. They are a very intelligent, peaceful, and friendly race, but also prepared for combat and war against any threat to their beloved planet and its survival.
The alien fungis are dedicated to the exploration of planets in search of resources for Cudonia and their species, all this with the help of magic, which they know how to use and are skilled in.
These fungi-aliens have achieved all this because of their complicated past...
A long time ago, Cudonia faced a strong and serious attack from which the alien fungis managed to defend themselves and repel the enemy.
However, despite the victory of the alien fungis the cost of this aggression was very high, the planet was almost destroyed due to the impact of a large localized attack that caused a significant fraction of the surface of Oomicetica to be expelled into space, creating a cloud of dust, ash, and steam that surrounded the planet obscuring it almost completely and causing fires, earthquakes, and global volcanic eruptions.
Due to this catastrophy ,life on this planet became almost completely extinct and the planet became a miserable place: many of the surviving trees and small forests dried up, many lakes dried up or evaporated and the living conditions of the alien fungis became miserable, so that magic began to disappear until it finally did.
The alien fungis used absolutely everything they had left to fight for their survival and avoid extinction, they made the surviving forests their new home, created extensive water channels to the surviving forests, and fed on these and the remains of the dead trees. This kind of symbiosis between forests and fungi-aliens, and the effort and will to survive made magic proliferate once again on this planet.
Thus, using magic, the alien fungis were able to start restoring their planet more easily and quickly. They began to develop a technology that allowed them to build special ships to explore other planets and collect resources to develop Cudonia, and they were able to improve the planet's magnetic field by turning it into a protective force field, also they manage to make the plants produce light particles that reduced the darkness caused by the layer of dust that surrounded the planet as it was disappearing.
All this eventually allowed the development of Cudonia and the alien fungis to become the civilization and the space we know today focused on the survival of their species and the total restoration of their planet.
Alien-fungi: their daily routine:
The Cudonians, also known friendly as Alien-fungi by their neighbors, are an advanced species and in a constant development of their society and planet.
This society has been organized for hundreds of years with a structure that allows the growth, development, defense and, mainly, the survival of the Cudonians and their planet.
The Cudonians can study and work on many things on their planet, but they are mainly good and professional in handling technomagic and space navigation, of which they have a large fleet of spaceships, which they use for exploration, discovery and exploitation of resources that their planet lacks or are scarce.
They are a peaceful, hard-working and friendly society inside and outside their planet, even so, their military structure, focused on defense, is prepared and well-armed for combat and war in case of an attack and/or invasion of any another species. A structure developed to avoid repeating the painful memory of a not too distant past that was written in blood, fire and destruction that marked a before and after in the history of Cudonia.
Another of their strengths is technomagic. After the long recovery of the planet, the Cudonians proceeded to use the magic that had resurfaced on the planet in their favor and to avoid threats and unwanted visits they proceeded to unite the magic with the technology they had developed until then, they went to the poles of the planet to build a large electromagnetic plant (in which a large number of Cudonians work today) and from there they took advantage of the starting points of the magnetic fields to convert them, with the help of magic, into a defense barrier and physical-magical magnetic field.
The Alien-fungi are also dedicated to recovering some areas of the planet that remain affected or are not yet sufficiently developed. Since their diet and nutrition are based mainly on organic matter from plants, especially from forests, the Cudonians also work in the construction of channels and the formation of lagoons and lakes in addition to the conservation of those that resisted the destruction caused by the great impact, all this to help another of the Cudonians' jobs: the expansion of forests, not only for the generation of oxygen but also to subsequently obtain the nutritional resources on which the Cudonians feed.
It is in many of these forests where a phenomenon known as photomagic occurs, to which the fungi-aliens dedicate their study and conservation, since they help to illuminate Cudonia naturally and moderately at night.
In this way, everything is connected and the Cudonians cooperate and work on the development of their planet while doing so in a mutualistic way with the plants.
Alien-fungi : universe
Lepiota: A red planet rich in copper and iron. It was a bit populated in the past due to the search for Gold but only pyrite was found. Sometimes the Cudonians come in search of iron but as the planet is almost unpopulated there are criminals roaming around and threatening visitors. This planet is also reserved for exploration by stronger and healthier Cudonians as the fungialiens are sensitive to copper and can cause diseases.
Planet Earth: Located in the Milky Way, it is the third planet in the solar system. Although it has continents, it is mostly occupied by water. It also has a satellite.
It is a planet full of life and very biodiverse; many species of fungi also inhabit the Earth and have important functions in the biosphere of this planet.
It has no magic and the fungi of this planet have not evolved to the level of those of Cudonia, although their growth is rapid.
Felina: A planet almost covered with fresh water. It is slightly warm and sometimes there is steam in its atmosphere. There are some islands and archipelagos scattered around the planet inhabited by friendly and peaceful felines.
The Cudonians have a good relationship with the inhabitants of this planet which they consider their allies since they allow them to take water resources while the fungi-aliens provide them with arboreal resources and seeds to further forest the few islands that this planet possesses.
Cudonia: the planet of the Cudonians, also known kindly by its neighbors as the planet of the alien-fungi. It is a peaceful turquoise planet with an exemplary social organization imitated by other planets.
Despite its high level of technological, magical and social development, it still lacks some elements and resources vital to the Cudonians, which makes it vulnerable to some threats. Although it is a peaceful planet, the alien-fungi consider themselves to be a very well-armed peace.
Forest: It was the first of the planted forests, which is still in the process of expansion. It was the attempt of the Cudonians to repopulate with plants and the largest possible type of vegetation that would have survived in the planet after the impact. Some Cudonians live in it. It is a biomagic light generator as it was one of the first places where magic re-emerged. This forest is home to many butterflies that chose it as their home. Historic, memorial and magical, it is one of the lungs of Cudonia.
Eumycoteo Bridge: It is an ancient bridge created by survivors. This bridge passes over a water channel artificially created from a river after the Impact to hydrate the trees where many survivors settled. It is on the way to the Lung Forest and many Cudonians cross it every day to get to the forest to learn, work on the extension and maintenance of the forest or to train magic. It is also a small monument that reminds the Cudonians of the importance of unity in the face of adversity.
Statue of Puccinomyco the great : If you ever visit Mycelia and see the statue of that great Cudonian, you have to know that this was the hero who saved us from the great cataclysm lived many centuries ago, he is not alive, but he is not dead either, not only because he is still alive in our esteem, but also because he ended up becoming a statue in lifeâ â That was what the Cudonians commented to visitors from other planets. Centuries ago, when Cudonia was under a fierce alien attack like never before, chaos surrounded the planet and the Cudonians were terrified and horrified, a Cudonian appeared out of nowhere, who from silence and mystery emerged to save his world, his planet. Alone, just in the darkest moment and in the most difficult hour, he was able to face the attackers and genocides who wanted to end our civilization. He possessed powerful magic. His abilities were phenomenal and his gallantry in the face of the adversities that were being experienced at that time were decisive for the defeat of the destroyer invaders and the salvation of this planet. The name of this hero was Maitake ; many say that they saw him come out of the portal. Running and with his body glowing he immediately went to avenge those fallen by the invasion, especially his dear wife who had been killed. With his attacks and spells, he managed to defend this planet and its inhabitants, many seeing what he was capable of doing ran alongside him to defend him from attacks and enemies, fighting for him to the death. Some consider his feat a Pyrrhic victory, but was it better to be exterminated by the invaders? We owe our existence to him. However, despite his great deed, he had a terrible fate. Do you remember that I told you that he became a statue? This is because when facing the invaders he used a great and enormous amount of magic, even more, ancient and forbidden magic, many say that he learned this magical ability when entering the mysterious portal, the only one that remains today. By using that great magical display to defeat the invaders, he exhausted almost all the magic on this planet, since it was dragged and used in his final spell, causing the decline and temporary disappearance of magic on this planet and the beginning of the progressive conversion of the hero into a statue. Simply put, he sacrificed himself for all of Cudonia. The spell could not be reversed, he had used very old magic, as well as forbidden, although at that moment nobody cared about that. The sacrifice was necessary, âyou have to die to liveâ he thought. There are many mysteries about the spell he used, as well as what is on the other side of the portal or what he did there, however, the truth has been fading over the centuries. A legend says that one of his acquaintances approached him just before he finished turning into a statue and dared to ask him what he had done, Maitake then he began to speak and his story was only heard by a few who they were near him or were passing by, for which there are few records that ended up becoming speculations or legends over the centuries that speak of a journey through time, to the past or future; Others talk about another hero next to the portal that helped him get stronger and raise his magic. But all this is mere guesswork.
The Puccinomyco portal
A thousand years agoâĻ
Mysterious beings from somewhere else in space visited the planet of Cudonia...
They built and strategically placed portals around this planet...
Some say that these Portals served as a link between multiple dimensions...
But today, there is only one portal left and no one knows the truth.
Only one knew it until not long ago, the one who died without reigning although it was his due...The one who was the hero and could not be rewarded...
The little story of the Portal"
The Portal of Puccinomyco the Great, also known as "The Mysterious Portal", "The Last of the Portals" or "The Forbidden Gate", is a mysterious portal located in a village of monks in a valley of Cudonia, which in turn is guarded by military Cudonians s. Both, monks and military, are in charge of guarding and watching over the portal, so that no one can enter it and to keep alert in case something strange happens or comes out of it.
The portal is shrouded in mystery and is often the subject of speculation among the Cudonians. For some, it is a cause of fear or concern, for others, someone must enter it to finally know the truth, but the truth is that the majority, regardless of their opinion, do not dare to enter.
A legend tells that during the invasion and war that caused the great impact, at the moment the attack was launched and during the destruction, all the portals, which at that time had a more complete design, were activated almost at the same time but nobody remember what happened next because as a result of the cataclysm caused by the impact several portals were destroyed on the spot and others collapsed. Only one, despite having suffered damage, was able to remain standing.
Only Puccinomyco managed to go through it at least 4 times, but what he saw on the other side he took with him to the grave. Whenever he went through it, he did it at different times, perhaps motivated by his attitude and thought of "if I have been able to survive the impact, it is difficult for me not to survive something else". Few people dared to ask him but he said that he would say it when he considered it appropriate, however he died before saying anything, further increasing the mystery of the portal. Some think that the portal itself or at least one of Puccinomyco the Great's trips through the portal was crucial to Cudonia's salvation after the impact.
The monk Cudonians are in charge of investigating, studying and analyzing the portal and any information or data from the past that is possessed or found to know how to control it and know if it represents a danger or not. On the other hand, the military is in charge of its custody and strongly protects it from any risk, both external and internal. Sometimes a small group of scientists with permission from the monks and Cudonia's army come by to observe and do portal studies.
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